Announcements March 20

Announcements for the Bulletin

Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. Unfortunately, however, we are not yet able to resume our after-service fellowship time in the Church Hall.

Service Scripts – As of today, we are no longer recording an abbreviated version of our Sunday services and uploading it to YouTube. However, the script for each Sunday’s service will continue to be made available. If you would like to receive it each week, please let John know.

This Week in First Church:

– Today – Deadline for submissions for the March Newsletter

– Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. – Bible study, by Zoom

– Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – Session meeting

Coming Up:

– Sunday, 3 April – Communion Sunday

– Sunday, 10 April – Palm Sunday

Newsletter – If you have something to contribute to the March issue of the congregational Newsletter, please get it to Lisa Sneesby today, if you haven’t already. We hope to have the Newsletter ready for distribution in time for next Sunday, the 27th.

Next Sunday – John needs to be in Neepawa next Sunday (the 27th), to chair that congregation’s Annual Meeting — one of his responsibilities as its interim moderator. Our own service that day will be led by Raymond Reichelt.

Revised Protocols – In view of the easing of pandemic restrictions, the Session has revised our own protocols for Sunday services and other gatherings at the church, as follows:

– Wearing a mask and hand sanitizing are now optional.

– Continue to maintain physical distance (2 meters) from others (except members of your own house-hold).

– Refrain from shaking hands, etc.

– An offering plate is set out at the back of the sanctuary. It may be brought forward for the dedication of the offering by the Greeter (or someone else) if he/she is comfortable doing so.

– We will return to standing for the hymns and other parts of the service for which we stood previously; but will not yet put the hymnbooks and Bibles back into the pews.

– Bring your own cushion and/or Bible each week, if desired.

– There will be no coffee/fellowship hour following the service, yet.

– The names of attenders each Sunday will no longer be recorded.

Full announcement sheet here