Announcements October 2



2 October 2022

Welcome!  We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary.  Everyone is invited to remain for coffee and fellowship, downstairs in the Church Hall, following the service.

The Greeters this week are Rob and Cheryl McPherson.

The Reader today is Philip Dunn.

Today we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper.  Everyone who has been baptized in any denomination of the Christian church is invited to participate in the Communion, including children.  The Communion bread is gluten-free.  Today we return to serving the bread and juice the way we used to do, before the pandemic broke out.  It’s our custom here at First Church to wait until everyone has been served, so that we all consume first the bread, and then the grape juice, together.  Please place your used Communion glasses into the hymnbook rack in your pew, and they will be collected following the service.

This Week in First Church:

– Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. – Bible study – by Zoom

– Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – Men’s Breakfast

Coming Up:

– Sunday, 9 October – Harvest (Thanksgiving) Sunday

– Sunday, 16 October – Stewardship Sunday Thanksgiving – Next Sunday, Harvest (Thanksgiving) Sunday, we will again be receiving a special offering of non-perishable food for the local Food Bank, as we have done for the past few years.  Sharing food with those in need is a particularly appropriate way to give God thanks for his provision of food.  The most-wanted food items are: canned fish or poultry; canned fruit or vegetables; canned stew, chili, or brown beans; baby food or formula; peanut butter; pasta (whole grain or whole wheat); rice; canned spaghetti sauce or tomatoes; cereal (high-fiber, non-sugar-coated); canned soup.  Donations can be placed at the front of the sanctuary as people arrive for the service

Full announcements here