27 March 2022
Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. Unfortunately, however, we are not yet able to resume our after-service fellowship time in the Church Hall.
Today – We thank Raymond Reichelt for leading today’s service, in John’s absence. John is at Knox Church in Neepawa today, where he serves as interim moderator, so that he can chair their Annual Meeting following the service.
The Greeter this month is Val Pogue.
This Week in First Church:
– Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. – Bible study, by Zoom
Coming Up:
– Sunday, 3 April – Communion Sunday
– Sunday, 10 April – Palm Sunday
Ukraine – PWS&D is accepting donations toward the effort to provide assistance to refugees fleeing the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The most urgent needs are for food, water, and shelter. PWS&D provides assistance through its partners, the ACT Alliance (ACT stands for “Action by Churches Together”) and the Canadian Foodgrains Bank. Donations can be made through our congregation; just mark your cheque or envelope “PWS&D – Ukraine”. If you would like your donation to reach PWS&D faster, you can donate online, using your credit card. Go to, click on “Ukraine Crisis Appeal”, click on the “Donate Now” button, and follow the prompts. You can check the website also for periodic updates.
Newsletter – The March issue of the Newsletter has been sent out by e-mail, and hard copies will be mailed out this week to those who don’t have e-mail. Many thanks those who contributed material for this issue, to Lisa Sneesby for putting the Newsletter together, and to Mardine Garnham for printing and mailing the hard copies!
Service Scripts – We are continuing to make a script of each Sunday’s service available, for those who would like one. If you would like to receive it each week, please let John know.