Fourth Sunday After Epiphany
PWS&D Sunday
Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. Everyone is invited to remain for coffee and fellowship, downstairs in the Church Hall, following the service. We thank Margaret McNutt-Reichelt for hosting today.
We thank Raymond Reichelt, who is leading our service today.
The Greeters this morning are Margaret & Philip Dunn.
The Reader today is Keith Kelly.
This Week at First Church:
- Monday – Bible study, 7:00 p.m., by Zoom
PWS&D – Today is Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) Sunday, the Sunday on which we highlight and pray for the work of Presbyterian World Service and Development, our national church’s relief and development agency. PWS&D works through ecumenical partner agencies to provide funding for both emergency relief and longer-term development projects all around the world. All of these projects aim to assist people in need in a variety of ways, as an expression of God’s concern and care. Because of government regulations, PWS&D receives no funding from Presbyterians Sharing; rather, it raises its funds separately.