First Sunday In Advent
Anniversary Sunday
Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. Everyone is invited to help decorate the sanctuary after the service. Lunch will be provided down-stairs in the Church Hall. We thank Margaret McNutt-Reichelt and Mardine Garnham for organizing the lunch today.
We thank Raymond Reichelt, who is leading our service today.
The Greeter this morning is Lalaine Buan.
The Reader today is Keith Kelly.
This Week at First Church:
- Tuesday – Bible Study, 7:00 p.m. by Zoom (this will be the last study until January).
- Saturday – Men’s Breakfast, 9:00 a.m.
Coming Up:
- Communion Service – 15 December.
Please note that we will not be having a Christmas Eve Service this year.