Announcements December 24, 2023

The Fourth Sunday of Advent


We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. Everyone is invited to remain for coffee and fellowship, downstairs in the Church Hall, following the service. We thank Margaret Dunn for hosting today.

The Greeters this morning are Lalaine and Ruth Buan.

This Week at First Church:

  • Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – Men’s Breakfast

Coming Up:

  • 31st December (New Year’s Eve) – 10:30 a.m. service

January Prayer Calendar here.

Full announcements here.

Announcements December 17, 2023

The Third Sunday of Advent
Communion Sunday

Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. Everyone is invited to remain for lunch, downstairs in the Church Hall, following the service. Thanks to Mardine Garnham, Margaret McNutt-Reichelt and Lalaine Buan for providing the lunch!

Today we celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Everyone who has been baptized in any denomination of the Christian church is invited to participate in the Communion, including children. The Communion bread is gluten-free. It’s our custom here at First Church to wait until everyone has been served, so that we all consume first the bread, and then the grape juice, together.

The Greeters this morning are Lalaine and Ruth Buan.

The Reader this morning is Keith Kelly

Coming Up:

  • 24th December (Christmas Eve) – Morning service only
  • 31st December (New Year’s Eve) – 10:30 a.m. service

Full announcements here.

Announcements December 10,2023

The Second Sunday of Advent

Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. Everyone is invited to remain for coffee and fellowship, downstairs in the Church Hall, following the service. We thank Mardine Garnham for hosting today.

The Greeters this morning are Lalaine and Ruth Buan.

This Week in First Church:

  • Wednesday, 6:30 p.m. – Finance and Maintenance Committee, by Zoom
  • Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – Men’s Breakfast

Coming Up:

  • 17th December (next week) – Communion Sunday (lunch afterwards)
  • 24th December (Christmas Eve) – Morning service only
  • 31st December (New Year’s Eve) – 10:30 a.m. service

Full announcements here

Announcements December 3, 2023

The First Sunday Of Advent

Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. Everyone is invited to remain for coffee and fellowship, downstairs in the Church Hall, following the service. We thank Margaret McNutt-Reichelt for hosting today.

The Greeters this morning are Lalaine and Ruth Buan.

The Reader today is Ruth Buan.

This Week in First Church:

  • Sunday, December 3 (today) – Trimming of the Church and tree after lunch. Lunch will be provided
  • Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. – Bible Study, by Zoom

Coming Up:

  • 17th December – Communion Sunday 24th December (Christmas Eve) – Morning service only

Full announcements here