1 May 2022
Welcome! We extend a warm welcome to our guests, and invite you to sign the guest book at the back of the sanctuary. The Session decided this week to reinstate our after-service fellowship time in the Church Hall, so everyone is invited to remain for a cup of coffee following the service.
This Week in First Church:
– Tuesday, 7:00 p.m. – Bible study, by Zoom
Coming up:
– Sunday, 15 May, 5:00 p.m. – Spring Dinner
– Sunday, 22 May – Deadline for submissions for the May Newsletter
The Christian Year – We are now in the Season of Easter, the fifth of the six seasons of the Christian Year. It began on Easter Sunday, and is fifty days in length, including eight Sundays. The final Sunday of the season is Pentecost, which, this year, happens to fall on the 5th of June.
Instead of readings from the Old Testament, the Revised Common Lectionary specifies readings from the Acts of the Apostles for this season each year. The readings from the Letters for this season are mainly from the Book of Revelation this year. The Gospel readings for the first three Sundays are various accounts of the risen Jesus’ appearances to his disciples. On the 4th Sunday of Easter, the Gospel reading is always from John Chapter 10, in which Jesus speaks about being the “good shepherd”; and on the 5th, 6th, and 7th Sundays of Easter, the Gospel readings are from the “Supper Discourse” in John Chapters 14-17. On Pentecost, of course, the readings all have to do with the giving of the Holy Spirit to Jesus’ followers.
The symbolic color for the Easter Season, as for Easter Sunday itself, is white, signifying joy and celebration. The color for Pentecost is red.
Full announcements here